Thursday 26 April 2012

Daryll Howard. Evaluation.

Question 1.
9 images/moving video from my own film:
-1 image from your opening logo 0:00-0:04
-1 image from your titles 0:16-0:19
-1 image that establishes sub-genre 1:58-2:00
-1 image which establishes character 2:18-2:24
-1 image that establishes mise-en-scene 0:13-0:16
-4 other key images/video 1:21-1:28
In a typical satanic possession film the possession normally happens to a normal girl, living a normal life, this is what we tried to portray with the shot of the mise-en-scene. (0:13-0:16). then from 1:59 the developing of the sub-genre increases as we can see that something unknown has taken over the body of the innocent girl. Also the use of a white font on a black background for the titles and company logo is very typical of a horror film and even more so a satanic possession film, so we used this and adapted it into out film.

9 images/moving video from an existing film (what lies beneath)...
--1 image from your opening logo  0:03-0:22
-1 image from your titles 0:55-1:26
-1 image that establishes sub-genre 1:48-1:49
-1 image which establishes character 3:09-3:31
-1 image that establishes mise-en-scene 5:14
-4 other key images/video 5:35-5:54
The images and moving video used, are once again, similar to my own film, of an everyday family who are going through the same experience that most families do at some point in their life, moving house and their child going away to university, however due to the audio and the shot types, the unknown is still lurking in the background. The company logo and the titles oppose the traditional horror film conventions of white on black and the titles incorporate the context of the film into them, with the water from the bath as the background and the company logo, they really challenge the horror conventions as theyd includes clouds and moons which wouldn't be generally included into a horror film.

Question 2
The social grouping which the protagonist belongs to is obviously of a mentally ill person. The threat, which is inside the protagonist is unknown as it is possesses the woman. This is represented when the unknown takes control of the protagonist and this is typical actions of possession. The threat, a female, is seen stereotypically as the weaker gender and this could be the reason why a female was chosen for this part.

The victim is the whole family, so not one individual person can be classed in a social group. However the young child is effected the most, and he is portrayed as stereotypically weak and unable to fight for himself as he has been left seriously ill.

 Our test shot reflected the make up of the Grudge. We chose Chloe as our actor as she has acting history and we therefore thought that she would be better for the character as she could adapt more into the character. We  used a stereotypical story line, of a normal girl/boy getting possessed by the unknown and this reflects the sub-genre of satanic/demonic possession. Our target audience also reflected the age of out characters as we found out that people generally watch film when the characters are a similar sort of age as them as it is easier to connect and refer to the character.

In our horror film the protagonist is represented as very vulnerable, this is portrayed by her wearing a dress and little heeled boots which implied felinity. Also she is walking ago and therefore looks lonely and vulnerable.
Scream 1, has similar representations of a young girl. With her stereotypical blonde hair, she is represented as feminine, which as a gender as a whole is seen to be much more vulnerable than a strong masculine male.

When an audience viewed our horror movie the feedback was extremely positive, every person viewing it said that the idea of the film was good and that the music created dramatic effect. The only weakness which was given was that people became confused at who it was crawling up the cellar stairs, however this would be discovered later on in the movie, so it could be portrayed as a positive as people were left wondering and wanted to watch more.

Question 3
Film Poster
I use photoshop and the effects to create the lighting effects around the hand. this creates more impact upon the hand and shows that the hand has a big influence towards the film.

Film poster Inspiration
We deigned our ilm poster after researching other film posters. We filmed and edited our film through the months of march, april and may so the release date in cinemas will be around the first weekend of june and it will stay in theaters for a maximum of 3 months. The film will be released on DVD just before christmas in december which will boost sales due to the 'christmas rush'.

The poster i have created, will be displayed in many public places to get the film out and known by the public, places I will distribute the posters will be those such as; billboards, telephone boxes, and general TV advertisements. With the film being released in the summer, it would be a good idea to start releasing trailer footage about a month beforehand on TV and before a similar horror film is shown in the cinema as this would be the target audience for our film. It would also be advertised in the cinema before the main film is shown, the films it would proceed would be those of similar genre and the same age certificate.

Here's a few examples of production company logos that we will use to design ours, they all use a simple font but add extra effects such as the rope and the cloud to make the logo more visually interesting.



This is our final company logo... 

We decided on a simple and plain company logo so that it could be eventually recognizable, we chose the typical white on black effect with the font to create a more dramatic effect upon the logo. We use photoshop to design our logo although it could quite possibly be designed on something as simple as word or paint.

Question 4

The target audience for our media product would be 15 to 21 year old males as they generally are the biggest audience for our sub-genre of horror film. It also has an all female cast which could draw in more teenage female viewers who would be our secondary audience for our film. The audience for our horror film would be late teenagers to young twenties, this is due to this being the general audience for horror movies. However, our secondary audience would be teenagers above the age of 15 due to the film being given a 15 certificate, also with the target audience being such a small range, this does not mean that other ages cannot watch the film and the actual viewing statistics of the audience may show that out target audience was not met and we should have given a different target audience.

Question 5

The Shining- 15
Males 175,912 8.5
Females 31,985 8.4
Aged under 18 3,383 8.8
Males under 18 2,624 8.8
Females under 18 729 8.4
Aged 18-29 120,482 8.6
Males Aged 18-29 100,024 8.6
Females Aged 18-29 19,775 8.5
Aged 30-44 69,785 8.5
Males Aged 30-44 60,175 8.5
Females Aged 30-44 8,897 8.4
Aged 45+ 14,361 8.1
Males Aged 45+ 11,870 8.2
Females Aged 45+ 2,300 7.9
IMDb staff 43 8.8
Top 1000 voters 883 8.4
US users 63,579 8.5
Non-US users 135,117 8.5
IMDb users 248,214 8.5

The Grudge- 15
ales 38,167 5.7
Females 9,067 5.7
Aged under 18 795 5.9
Males under 18 512 5.8
Females under 18 278 6.0
Aged 18-29 27,904 5.7
Males Aged 18-29 21,874 5.7
Females Aged 18-29 5,909 5.6
Aged 30-44 15,915 5.8
Males Aged 30-44 13,405 5.8
Females Aged 30-44 2,381 5.8
Aged 45+ 2,591 5.9
Males Aged 45+ 2,126 5.9
Females Aged 45+ 438 5.6
IMDb staff 8 6.3
Top 1000 voters 577 5.6
US users 14,262 5.5
Non-US users 31,400 5.8
IMDb users 56,877 5.7

The Omen (1976)- 15
Males 27,205 7.6
Females 4,397 7.6
Aged under 18 324 7.8
Males under 18 248 7.8
Females under 18 74 7.8
Aged 18-29 15,058 7.7
Males Aged 18-29 12,671 7.7
Females Aged 18-29 2,314 7.6
Aged 30-44 12,793 7.6
Males Aged 30-44 11,180 7.6
Females Aged 30-44 1,511 7.5
Aged 45+ 3,392 7.5
Males Aged 45+ 2,895 7.5
Females Aged 45+ 464 7.6
IMDb staff 10 7.4
Top 1000 voters 704 7.5
US users 9,651 7.5
Non-US users 21,025 7.6
IMDb users 39,411 7.6

The Exorcist- 18

Males 101,505 8.1
Females 18,485 7.8
Aged under 18 1,668 8.2
Males under 18 1,304 8.3
Females under 18 349 8.0
Aged 18-29 64,518 8.0
Males Aged 18-29 53,414 8.1
Females Aged 18-29 10,701 7.7
Aged 30-44 43,077 8.1
Males Aged 30-44 37,125 8.1
Females Aged 30-44 5,529 7.9
Aged 45+ 10,812 8.2
Males Aged 45+ 8,948 8.2
Females Aged 45+ 1,743 7.9
IMDb staff 21 8.3
Top 1000 voters 827 8.0
US users 39,334 8.3
Non-US users 75,252 8.0
IMDb users 145,890 8.1

The Exorcism of Emily Rose- 15
Males 31,552 6.7
Females 7,135 6.7
Aged under 18 457 7.2
Males under 18 288 7.3
Females under 18 168 7.0
Aged 18-29 23,013 6.8
Males Aged 18-29 18,277 6.8
Females Aged 18-29 4,642 6.7
Aged 30-44 12,895 6.6
Males Aged 30-44 10,920 6.6
Females Aged 30-44 1,875 6.6
Aged 45+ 2,328 6.7
Males Aged 45+ 1,896 6.7
Females Aged 45+ 406 6.7
IMDb staff 5 6.1
Top 1000 voters 532 6.2
US users 11,046 6.7
Non-US users 26,182 6.7
IMDb users 45,279 6.7

A '15' Film

According to BBFC, a '15' film is only suitable for those of the age 15 and over and must not include certain things such as the use or encouragement of drugs and a strong threat is allowed as-long as it is not sexualised. Dangerous behaviour should not be shown if the actions could be easily copied. Strong language can only be used if it can be justified.  Sexual activity may be shown without a large amount of detail. And, violence may be used but should not dwell on injury and pain. 

A '18' film
According to BBFC an 18 cannot include material that is in breach of the law or has been created through commission of a breach of the law or if the material could risk harm to individuals in their behaviour towards society. They can include explicit images of sexual activity which can be justified by context, it must apply to R18 sexual guidelines (sexual information seeks to inform and educate in matters of human sexual health.)

We created a survey to research target audiences if horror films and are waiting for the results so we can analyze our results.

The feedback we got from our survey showed that largely 15-20 year olds watched satanic possession films because they are believable and have the most tension.


Section 0:10-0:36 of our film shows the protagonist in a range of shots, this shows the character as a whole and portrays the feminine features of the character (dress, long hair and heels) this attracts the audience as it informs them right from the start the target audience and helps to draw them in to watch the rest of the film.

Question 6

Question 7
This is my final spoken evaluation for my pieces produced throughout the year.