Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sarah Greenhaff- Title Research

The opening credits are made up of small clips of young children and someone constructing some kind of glove. All the shots are very dark and have a very sinister feel to them, it also makes you wonder what is the link between the children and this man. There is a mix of fonts used, some names are written in a style as though someone has written them by hand and others are in an older more gothic style of lettering. You see someone working with machinery and knives then later attaching these to some kind of glove, this continues to add to the sinister feel as it makes you wonder what this may be for and draws you in to watching the rest of this film, this also hints towards the 'Slasher' sub-genre of the film. This shows that in our title sequence we need to include references to the sub genre of the film and also some intriguing scene or object that will make the viewer want to keep watching.

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