Thursday 26 January 2012

Productuction company logo

Here's a few examples of production company logos that we will use to design ours .


We will be filming and editing our film through the months of march, april and may so the release date in cinemas will be around the first weekend of june and it will stay in theaters for a maximum of 3 months. The film will be released on DVD just before christmas in december which will boost sales due to the 'christmas rush'.


This is our poster for our horror film. We designed this after looking at other posters from films of the same genre and using the same color schemes and effects on the pictures and text.            

Film Poster inspiration

An example of a film poster, for a horror film.

Film poster inspiration

an example of a film poster, for a horror film.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Hammer films- evaluation research

Wake Wood was released:
                                         March 25, 2011 (UK - Theatrical)
                                         March 28, 2011 (UK - DVD)
                                         June 28, 2011 (USA - DVD)
Whilst researching into the film I noticed the cinema and dvd release dates are close together, this is due to it being expected to not go well in the cinema and hoping for better sale numbers on dvd.

Production companies.

Hammer Films- Independent production companies.
Hammer Film productions is a UK based film production company that was founded in 1934 and is famous for a series of gothic "hammer horror" films released in the mid 50's and 70's. their most recent release is a Horror with Daniel Radcliffe that was distributed to the audience through a cinema release, it is a big release for a small production company such as Hammer films so has been released in both UK and US cinemas.

Fantastic Films- Production Company.
Fantastic Films is an independent production company that was founded in 1988 and focuses on "high quality & niche films". one of their most recent releases is a horror called "outcast". it was distributed in the cinemas and at a few film festivals across the world.

Lionsgate- Media Institution
Lionsgate media institution is one of the biggest media institution in the world, and was founded in the 1970's and has produced over 100 films, it's most recent horror release is Cabin in the Woods which will be distributed throughout a premiere and cinema release.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Assessment of Previous Students Work.
Does it look like a horror film?
The black and white effect on the video does add a sinister hint but the setting does not fit with conventions of a horror film.
Does it have a range of shots?
Yes, it uses close ups long shots etc. frequently.
Is it well framed?(rule of thirds)
Yes, they have shown use of the rule of thirds.
Does it flow or break continuity?
it has good continuity throughout.
Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
Yes, many props are used and the character interacts with the setting.
has the sound be used to create fear? how?
yes, at climaxes in the film the sound builds and helps to create tension and fear.
Does it look like a horror film?
At the start of the film no, however as the film progresses it starts to develop more horror conventions.
Does it have a range of shots?
Yes, many different shot types and movements are used to build tension.
Is it well framed? (Rule of thirds)
Yes, the rule of thirds has been used.
Does it flow? break continuity?
It has good continuity throughout
Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
Yes, many props and parts of the setting are used.
Has sound been used to create fear? How?
No, the music used is a pop song which takes away from the tension of the film.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Analysis of film openings.

Textual Analysis.

A textual analysis of a film from our sub genre.

Textual Analysis.

An analysis of a horror film from our sub genre

Permission form from actors.

Target Audience Research.

This is the research we did into the target audience of our film.

Make Up

here is our characters make up in comparison to a character from a film of the same genre who we based the make up design on.

Shot list.

here is our shot list, the written version of our storyboard.


The script and description of our horror film

Film Outline.

This is the film outline, an overview of our film in sections.

Story Board.

These are our story board sheets for our film. (Not in correct order)

Test Shot

This is the test shot to show how our characters make up will be in the film in comparison to how our actor looks naturally.

Reece Sheet

This is the reece sheet for our second location.

Reece Sheet

This is the reece sheet for one of our locations.

Title Template Sheet

This shows the rough plan for the title sequence of our film.

Grids for title ideas.

We looked at the title grids for Seven and True blood and made two mocks of what our title grids could show based on character and theme.

Assesment of Previous Students Work.
Does it look like a horror film?
Yes at parts however the time of day it’s filmed doesn’t add to the horror theme.
Does it have a range of shots?
Is it well framed?
At times however most of the film framing doesn’t seen to be acknowledged.
Does it follow? Or break continuity?
Through most of the film it has good continuity however when the couple have walk down the stairs and under the bridge then next shot they are again on the stairs about to walk under the bridge which breaks the continuity
Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
Yes props are used and the setting fits the film well
Has sound been used to create fear? How?
In some parts yes as the zombies growl however there is only a small amount of music and they could have added more to create tension as there was no dialogue it sounded as if it was lacking in sound.
The Last Pulse
Does it look like a horror film?
No the setting props and costume do not have horror connotations
Does it have a range of shots?
Yes but they’re mostly medium shots, there are few close ups and no extreme close ups or extreme long shots.
Is it well framed?
Yess you can see they have used the rule of thirds
Does it flow? or break continuity?
It has good continuity throughout
Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
No, the mise-en-scene does not fit with the horror genre of the film
Has sound been used to create fear?
No the music used doesn’t suit the film, it has no reference to the film being a horror film and does not help build tension.

Kyle Cooper.

He states that to make a good title sequence he delves deep within the meanings of the film, to create an effective and well thought out sequence. He also says that a good title sequence sets a expectation of the rest of the film, just like first impressions really do count. He likes to experiment with hand made features such as dropping ink into a cell, to see what happens and then include it within his title sequence, this is one of the many ways in which he creates very effective features. In all his title sequences he used close up's and extreme close ups, to show the audience aspects which would normally go unnoticed as they are so small.

Intentions for our film.

For our film we hope to include some vital features, one being an abandoned house, hopefully in a wooded or forest area.

We also wish to include a possessed girl, with a pale face as personally this implies the sub genre we are hoping to achieve.

Conventions for the sub genre... Satanic possession.

The conventions of the genre we are researching into are:-
young children
the unknown
pale skin
abandoned houses
the devil
possessed people