Wednesday 11 January 2012

Assesment of Previous Students Work.
Does it look like a horror film?
Yes at parts however the time of day it’s filmed doesn’t add to the horror theme.
Does it have a range of shots?
Is it well framed?
At times however most of the film framing doesn’t seen to be acknowledged.
Does it follow? Or break continuity?
Through most of the film it has good continuity however when the couple have walk down the stairs and under the bridge then next shot they are again on the stairs about to walk under the bridge which breaks the continuity
Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
Yes props are used and the setting fits the film well
Has sound been used to create fear? How?
In some parts yes as the zombies growl however there is only a small amount of music and they could have added more to create tension as there was no dialogue it sounded as if it was lacking in sound.
The Last Pulse
Does it look like a horror film?
No the setting props and costume do not have horror connotations
Does it have a range of shots?
Yes but they’re mostly medium shots, there are few close ups and no extreme close ups or extreme long shots.
Is it well framed?
Yess you can see they have used the rule of thirds
Does it flow? or break continuity?
It has good continuity throughout
Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
No, the mise-en-scene does not fit with the horror genre of the film
Has sound been used to create fear?
No the music used doesn’t suit the film, it has no reference to the film being a horror film and does not help build tension.

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